FREE remote culture assessment

Is your remote agency team thriving?

Remote work environments can make it hard to assess your team’s culture, morale, and engagement. Let's make it easy.

click to watch the video walkthrough

Send this free, anonymous survey to your team and take it yourself. We’ll gather the results, compare your answers, and provide clear insights and personalized recommendations in a password-protected dashboard.

Get a report within 3 business days of submitting your answers

See how you measure up on the 5 pillars

Identify your biases and misperceptions

No email required until you request your results

Start here.

Click "Team Survey" and copy the link from the address bar. Send it to your team.

Pro Tip: Set a specific deadline for your team to submit their answers.

Once you confirm they've all completed it, go to the "Leader Survey" and fill it out.

After you submit your survey, we'll start calculating your results.

Think we can help?
Try a Quest Starter!

Book a demo session at an introductory rate. Your team will create characters, start building their world, and kick off their awesome adventure. Then, you can decide if you'd like to continue on to more epic team-building.

Sign up!