Try out the Hero System!

This brief quiz is taken by players at the start of their first game to determine their character type and abilities.

Melding the key aspects of leading workplace strengths assessments in a fantasy framework, the Hero System offers actionable insights for individuals and teams. Test it out!

Remember, this isn't a personality quiz and won't reflect your general approach to life. It's about workplace strengths.

Just three brief questions.

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You're a Saint!

Guardian + Connector Type
Your innate ability to empathize and unify makes you a cornerstone of support for your team—and your concern for others ensures that external relationships are nurtured and protected as well. You excel in roles that allow you to care for and uplift others while taking responsibility for their collective wellbeing—moving mountains to help others.

On QuestWorks adventures, you serve as the heart of your group, offering healing, protection, and timely miracles, removing seemingly insurmountable obstacles and ensuring everyone can perform at their best.


You are a Gnome. You excel in improving tools and processes through iterative and methodical approaches. On QuestWorks adventures, you can fashion the perfect device for any situation.

You are a Firebrand. You thrive on taking action, helping teams gain momentum with your bold and charismatic presence. On QuestWorks adventures, you can get the jump on a situation even when you shouldn't.

You are an Elf. You excel in developing careful and well-thought-out plans. On QuestWorks adventures, you can reveal you had a clever plan all along when situations get out of hand.

You are a Human. You are versatile and adaptable, skilled at spotting flaws and potential improvements. On QuestWorks adventures, you can point out problems with the team's approach and get better results.

Related Gallup Strengths

Developer, Empathy, Responsibility, Includer, Relator

You're a Maverick!

Motivator + Pioneer Type
You're a natural leader and protector, embodying a spirit of defiance, courage, and resilience. You shine in environments where you can challenge the status quo, follow your instincts, and passionately advocate for your beliefs and the people under your care.

On QuestWorks adventures, your protective zeal and formidable presence make you a fierce warrior, ready to confront any threat to safeguard your allies.


You are a Gnome. You excel in improving tools and processes through iterative and methodical approaches. On QuestWorks adventures, you can fashion the perfect device for any situation.

You are a Firebrand. You thrive on taking action, helping teams gain momentum with your bold and charismatic presence. On QuestWorks adventures, you can get the jump on a situation even when you shouldn't.

You are an Elf. You excel in developing careful and well-thought-out plans. On QuestWorks adventures, you can reveal you had a clever plan all along when situations get out of hand.

You are a Human. You are versatile and adaptable, skilled at spotting flaws and potential improvements. On QuestWorks adventures, you can point out problems with the team's approach and get better results.

Related Gallup Strengths

Futuristic, Activator, Self-Assurance, Courage, Competition

Core Pursuit


You're a Charmer!

Motivator + Connector Type
Your infectious enthusiasm and social insight energize and inspire those around you. Expressing yourself and connecting with others is as much a skill to you as it is an art form. Your emotional intelligence and charm make you an exceptional storyteller, communicator, and leader.

On QuestWorks adventures, your words and performances not only entrance but also empower, weaving magic that can amplify allies and undermine foes alike.


You are a Gnome. You excel in improving tools and processes through iterative and methodical approaches. On QuestWorks adventures, you can fashion the perfect device for any situation.

You are a Firebrand. You thrive on taking action, helping teams gain momentum with your bold and charismatic presence. On QuestWorks adventures, you can get the jump on a situation even when you shouldn't.

You are an Elf. You excel in developing careful and well-thought-out plans. On QuestWorks adventures, you can reveal you had a clever plan all along when situations get out of hand.

You are a Human. You are versatile and adaptable, skilled at spotting flaws and potential improvements. On QuestWorks adventures, you can point out problems with the team's approach and get better results.

Related Gallup Strengths

Communication, Woo, Activator, Positivity, Adaptability

Core Pursuit


You're a Wizard!

Analyst + Steward Type
Your insatiable curiosity and analytical prowess propel you toward continuous learning and problem-solving. With a natural inclination for making sense of the unknown and a penchant for creating meticulous plans and optimizing complex systems, your team can rely on you to effectively and efficiently organize disparate information into actionable insights.

On QuestWorks adventures, your intelligence is your most potent tool, as you master arcane secrets, channel your deep knowledge of the lore, and shape reality with your magic.


You are a Gnome. You excel in improving tools and processes through iterative and methodical approaches. On QuestWorks adventures, you can fashion the perfect device for any situation.

You are a Firebrand. You thrive on taking action, helping teams gain momentum with your bold and charismatic presence. On QuestWorks adventures, you can get the jump on a situation even when you shouldn't.

You are an Elf. You excel in developing careful and well-thought-out plans. On QuestWorks adventures, you can reveal you had a clever plan all along when situations get out of hand.

You are a Human. You are versatile and adaptable, skilled at spotting flaws and potential improvements. On QuestWorks adventures, you can point out problems with the team's approach and get better results.

Related Gallup Strengths

Input, Analytical, Learner, Arranger, Discipline

Core Pursuit


You're a Rogue!

Analyst + Pioneer Type
Your creativity and independence mark you as a natural innovator, thriving in environments that value flexibility and out-of-the-box thinking. You have a knack for perceiving alternative paths, pioneering new ideas, and navigating complex problems—and you're unafraid to challenge the status quo to reach the best solution.

On QuestWorks adventures, your wit and agility make you a master of evasion and infiltration, adept at outsmarting opponents and uncovering hidden opportunities.


You are a Gnome. You excel in improving tools and processes through iterative and methodical approaches. On QuestWorks adventures, you can fashion the perfect device for any situation.

You are a Firebrand. You thrive on taking action, helping teams gain momentum with your bold and charismatic presence. On QuestWorks adventures, you can get the jump on a situation even when you shouldn't.

You are an Elf. You excel in developing careful and well-thought-out plans. On QuestWorks adventures, you can reveal you had a clever plan all along when situations get out of hand.

You are a Human. You are versatile and adaptable, skilled at spotting flaws and potential improvements. On QuestWorks adventures, you can point out problems with the team's approach and get better results.

Related Gallup Strengths

Ideation, Intellection, Individualization, Strategic, Significance

Core Pursuit


You're a Mystic!

Analyst + Connector Type
Your deep intuition and understanding of the interconnectedness of people, ideas, and environments are your strongest assets. You thrive in roles that allow you to pursue harmony, mediate conflict, and build community.

On QuestWorks adventures, you're a dynamic force of nature with a unique connection to the wild, shifting into animal forms and altering the elements to aid your team.


You are a Gnome. You excel in improving tools and processes through iterative and methodical approaches. On QuestWorks adventures, you can fashion the perfect device for any situation.

You are a Firebrand. You thrive on taking action, helping teams gain momentum with your bold and charismatic presence. On QuestWorks adventures, you can get the jump on a situation even when you shouldn't.

You are an Elf. You excel in developing careful and well-thought-out plans. On QuestWorks adventures, you can reveal you had a clever plan all along when situations get out of hand.

You are a Human. You are versatile and adaptable, skilled at spotting flaws and potential improvements. On QuestWorks adventures, you can point out problems with the team's approach and get better results.

Related Gallup Strengths

Analytical, Connectedness, Learner, Empathy, Context

Core Pursuit


You're a Ranger!

Guardian + Pioneer Type
Your loyalty, strategic foresight, and dedication to collective success make you a vigilant and reliable guardian of your team. Your practicality, reliability, proactivity, and advocacy help you manage risk and assess new paths as you stay one step ahead to get the jump on potential threats.

On QuestWorks adventures, your keen senses, extensive knowledge, and resourcefulness make you an ideal scout and tracker, ever ready to defend against unseen dangers.


You are a Gnome. You excel in improving tools and processes through iterative and methodical approaches. On QuestWorks adventures, you can fashion the perfect device for any situation.

You are a Firebrand. You thrive on taking action, helping teams gain momentum with your bold and charismatic presence. On QuestWorks adventures, you can get the jump on a situation even when you shouldn't.

You are an Elf. You excel in developing careful and well-thought-out plans. On QuestWorks adventures, you can reveal you had a clever plan all along when situations get out of hand.

You are a Human. You are versatile and adaptable, skilled at spotting flaws and potential improvements. On QuestWorks adventures, you can point out problems with the team's approach and get better results.

Related Gallup Strengths

Restorative, Belief, Strategic, Adaptability, Harmony

Core Pursuit

The Unknown

You're a Warden!

Guardian + Steward Type
You embody precision, organization, and a steadfast dedication to your principles. Your detail-oriented nature and ability to judge situations quickly help you excel in operational roles, where maintaining systems, organizing people, and ensuring compliance are key.

On QuestWorks adventures, you draw power from your strict personal code and commanding presence, serving as a beacon of morality holding your party to high standards.


You are a Gnome. You excel in improving tools and processes through iterative and methodical approaches. On QuestWorks adventures, you can fashion the perfect device for any situation.

You are a Firebrand. You thrive on taking action, helping teams gain momentum with your bold and charismatic presence. On QuestWorks adventures, you can get the jump on a situation even when you shouldn't.

You are an Elf. You excel in developing careful and well-thought-out plans. On QuestWorks adventures, you can reveal you had a clever plan all along when situations get out of hand.

You are a Human. You are versatile and adaptable, skilled at spotting flaws and potential improvements. On QuestWorks adventures, you can point out problems with the team's approach and get better results.

Related Gallup Strengths

Consistency, Belief, Responsibility, Arranger, Discipline

Core Pursuit


You're a Knight!

Motivator + Steward Type
Your exceptional leadership abilities and commitment to excellence define you. A natural achiever, you excel when competing or pursuing noble goals. You guide others through challenges with confidence, exacting standards, and a clear vision.

On QuestWorks adventures, you lead your allies with skill, conviction, and discipline to achieve victory.


You are a Gnome. You excel in improving tools and processes through iterative and methodical approaches. On QuestWorks adventures, you can fashion the perfect device for any situation.

You are a Firebrand. You thrive on taking action, helping teams gain momentum with your bold and charismatic presence. On QuestWorks adventures, you can get the jump on a situation even when you shouldn't.

You are an Elf. You excel in developing careful and well-thought-out plans. On QuestWorks adventures, you can reveal you had a clever plan all along when situations get out of hand.

You are a Human. You are versatile and adaptable, skilled at spotting flaws and potential improvements. On QuestWorks adventures, you can point out problems with the team's approach and get better results.

Related Gallup Strengths

Achiever, Focus, Discipline, Responsibility, Command

Core Pursuit


Ready for adventure?
Try a Quest Starter!

Book a demo session for just $19/player. Your team will create characters, start building their world, and kick off their adventure. Then, you can decide if you'd like to continue on to more epic results.

Sign up!

How the Hero System Works

The Hero System combines Identities (core motivators) and Approaches (leading strengths) to form unique Hero Types, creating a comprehensive framework that captures the diverse capabilities and work styles within a team.

By understanding these dynamics, teams can enhance collaboration, resolve conflicts more effectively, and achieve higher performance.

The combination also helps in recognizing how different members may contribute to the team's goals, facilitating a more inclusive and dynamic team environment where every individual's strengths are acknowledged and utilized.


Motivator: Driven to inspire and energize the team, focusing on ambitious goals and the big picture. They excel in rallying others to achieve collective objectives.

Analyst: Prioritize deep understanding and strategic thinking, absorbing information, identifying patterns, and developing informed solutions to complex problems.

Guardian: Focus on team support and cohesion, prioritizing the well-being, safety, and success of the team while fostering a supportive environment.


Connector: Excel in building relationships and fostering harmony, leveraging insight and interpersonal skills to ensure effective communication and mutual understanding.

Characterized by ingenuity, independence, and a willingness to explore new territories, seeking innovative solutions and opportunities for growth.

Steward: Focus on maintaining and optimizing systems with meticulous standards and methodical approaches, ensuring order while pursuing excellence and efficiency.

The Charmer


Charmers inspire and uplift—masters of storytelling, enthusiasm, and influence.

The Maverick


Mavericks drive innovation and change at the frontline, passionately advocating for bold ideas.

The Knight


Knights offer disciplined leadership, ensuring order, stability, and collective achievement.

The Mystic


Mystics provide deep insights and foster diplomacy, harmonizing environments, systems, and people.

The Rogue


Rogues are creative problem-solvers, constantly pioneering new strategies and concepts.

The Wizard


Wizards are organizers and optimizers, chasing mastery and efficiency of complex systems.

The Saint


Saints nurture and support, boosting morale, protecting wellbeing, and building connections.

The Ranger


Rangers safeguard the team through unfamiliar territory, managing risk and scouting possibilities.

The Warden


Wardens arrange people and processes, excelling in judgement, integrity, and responsibility.


The Firebrand

Firebrands thrive on taking action and helping teams gain momentum.

The Human

Humans are versatile and adaptable, adept at spotting flaws and potential improvements.

The Gnome

Gnomes continuously improve tools and processes through iterative and methodical approaches, often finding innovative solutions.

The Elf

Elves think and plan carefully, using their strategic and analytical abilities to develop well-thought-out strategies.