The team at Focus Lab united to battle sand worms, save local shrimp populations, befriend mechanical goblins, channel the gods of bowling...

Oh, and have an absolute blast.

See Results

Watch the team at Focus Lab take risks, get creative, and support each other as they take down a sand worm terrorizing a seaside village.



team bond


understanding of synergies


confidence in soft skills


regular creative inspiration

All achieved in just 4 sessions.

Rekindling morale.

Focus Lab signed up for QuestWorks to give their team a chance to reconnect—both with each other and their own inner sources of energy and resiliency—after a busy year.

Already a tight-knight team, leadership didn't think they could get any closer as a group. Thankfully, they did anyway.

A refreshing break from the norm.

Players reported working better together long after their sessions ended, drawing on their newly developed awareness of each other's strengths, weaknesses, and communication styles.

They also shared their appreciation for a team-building activity that didn't 'feel like' traditional team-building. Instead, it felt like a break in the day that required no preparation nor imparted heavy-handed lessons.

Top Individual Results


team bond


understanding of synergies


comfort with positive conflict


regular creative inspiration

All achieved in just 4 sessions.

Team Feedback


recommend QuestWorks to other agency teams


suggested the rest of their company join in


felt challenged creatively and encouraged to fail forward


felt their morale was boosted


learned key strengths of their coworkers

Want similar results?
Try a Quest Starter.

Book a demo session for just $19/player. Your team will create characters, start building their world, and kick off their adventure. Then, you can decide if you'd like to continue on to more epic results.

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